When we got an opportunity to make a part of the already happening locale of Andheri even better, we took it up instantly and then, there was just no looking back. We began with sprucing it like one would hone a diamond. We turned it into a solitaire that exudes rare sparkle, a shiny star that many look up to. And as is known, every heart longs to live among stars. Each one of us, would love to be treated like one too. At the New Aarti Co-operative Society, this is exactly what awaits you – a glitzy existence. With four splendid buildings that are true ‘constellations' in themselves - Auriga, Cygnus, Orion & Volans; a remarkable location and some distinct amenities, we promise to add the much deserved sparkle to every moment of your life by wrapping it in ease and luxury. The Belt of Orion is a unique feature in the famous constellation Orion. Its peculiarity is the unmistakably noticeable THREE bright stars that are set in a linear formation and shine like chunky diamonds. Similarly when you start living at Orion, you too shall experience this radiant trinity; planned to add a bling of lavishness to your life.