Salman Khan, a highly acclaimed Bollywood star in India, possesses an unmatched fan base. Salman Khan's house in Mumbai is located in Galaxy Apartments. His residence surpasses numerous tourist attractions in terms of popularity. However, a surprisingly humble structure serves as a dwelling for Salman. So, what really makes his abode so minimalistic, and why does one of the biggest Bollywood celebrities live so modestly? Let us find out:
Family Home
During his youth, Salman Khan shared the first floor of Galaxy Apartments with his siblings, Arbaaz Khan, Sohail Khan, Arpita Khan, and Alvira Khan. Known for his strong familial bond, Salman's adoration for his family is evident in the delightful videos he shares on his Instagram account. Salman Khan house in Mumbai has been their cherished residence for nearly four decades, as they have meticulously curated the interiors and decorations to transform it into their ideal home.
Near His Parents
Residing in Galaxy Apartments, Bandra, Salman Khan occupies a cosy and intimate 1BHK L-shaped house. While he lives alone in this apartment, he has consistently expressed his preference for staying close to his parents, and the space within Salman Khan's residence is perfect for that. Having resided in this cherished childhood home for years, he wouldn't exchange it for anything else.
Salman's Philanthropic Activities and Humbleness
Salman Khan has not only left an indelible mark on Bollywood but has also made a profound impact through his philanthropic endeavours. And this might be one of the reasons why he prefers residing in such a modest house. Salman has covered several actors’ medical treatment expenses and provided essential financial resources.
Beyond that, he spearheads a charitable organisation known as Being Human, dedicated to aiding underprivileged individuals across the country. This is one of the things that keeps the actor down to earth and secure enough to stay in humble 1BHK house.
Now that we know the reason behind the Sultan actor's humble abode, let us have a sneak peek as well:
Salman Khan's house in Mumbai features a living room-cum-dining area, divided by a glass wall, serving as a gathering space for his family and friends. The interior design of Salman Khan's residence is characterised by a minimalist approach, creating an illusion of ample space within the house. Neutral hues and generous use of white dominate the colour palette of Salman Khan's home, lending it an elegant and grand appearance.
Functional and Modest
During a recent interview, renowned Bollywood casting director Mukesh Chhabra unveiled an intriguing fact about the beloved actor. He delved into the specifics of Salman's humble abode, disclosing that it comprises just a solitary sofa, a dining table, a compact meeting area, a mini gym, and, of course, Salman's own bedroom.
Residing in the iconic Galaxy Apartments in Mumbai, Salman Khan's house in Mumbai is his dream haven. Despite his stardom, he remains grounded, choosing to live in a modest 1BHK apartment that reflects simplicity and minimalism. We hope that this offered you a glimpse of Bhaijaan's humble abode and helped you know your favourite actor a little better.