Bollywood actor Shraddha Kapoor has had a chequered journey over the last few years, acting in several acclaimed and popular movies, including Aashiqui 2, Haider, Stree, Rock On 2 and Ek Villain to name a few. The Bollywood beauty has always been vocal about her love for Nature and the Shraddha Kapoor house is an apt reflection of this philosophy. She lives in Juhu, one of Mumbai’s poshest locations, in a house that overlooks the Arabian Sea and Juhu Beach. She shares this property with her parents, Bollywood star Shakti Kapoor and his wife Shivangi Kapoor, and also her brother Siddharth Kapoor. The family also has an adorable Tibetan Terrier named Shyloh.
More details about the Bollywood star’s pride and joy
This Shraddha Kapoor house in Mumbai is a modern and sophisticated property that offers stunning views of the beach and coastline. It is estimated to be worth several crores and contains traditional furniture with a few contemporary highlights. Here are some of the key details of her home:
- There are several expansive windows that offer gorgeous sea views. The actor is often seen taking breaks at these viewpoints with her pet and family members for company, especially during the mesmerising sunsets.
- Her room has a wall showcasing various photographs and frames which capture her special childhood memories and family events.
- She clearly prefers softer colours, as evident through her bedroom’s beige curtains and white panelled blinds in addition to wooden doors.
- The Bollywood diva also has a number of cushions along with soft toys in her room.
- The home has a living room which offers a luxurious feeling, while being adorned with wooden furniture, a stylish rug and warmer lighting tones.
- The open terrace is her favourite workout area with lush greenery and spectacular views of the sea.
- The living room has ledges transformed into couches along with beige marble floors and a glass-top centre table with a white base. This goes well with the mustard hues of the couches.
- Multiple living zones have floor-to-ceiling glass windows with sculptures, side tables and portraits of her parents.
- Her relaxation zone is also the balcony with planters, bird feeders and her favourite potted plants.
- Her bedroom also comes with a wooden workstation along with white walls, various keepsakes, books and artwork.
- The bathroom carries forward a sea-inspired theme with mosaic tiles and hues like orange, yellow and brown. There is a carved blue and white seahorse on the shelf, along with a textured seashell cup and brushes. The walls are textured to resemble a shoreline.
Some other details of Shraddha Kapoor’s residence and other properties
This Shraddha Kapoor house in Mumbai is all about old-world charm with a contemporary touch. One apartment in the building was first purchased by her father, Shakti Kapoor several years back. He is now the owner of the whole floor. He purchased the primary three-bedroom apartment for Rs. 7 lakh with a loan from the Shringar Films owner, Shyam Shroff. After his marriage, he bought the adjacent flat and then another apartment on the floor once his son was born. The living room has a gorgeous piano which the gorgeous movie star loves playing in her spare time, while some of the furniture pieces are more than 25-30 years old. This space also has a stylish bar along with several paintings that have been chosen by Shivangi Kapoor.
This is not the only property that the B’Town icon owns in Mumbai. There are reports of her having invested close to Rs. 10 crore to buy an apartment in Juhu. Yet, the new acquisition is not her primary address since she still lives with her family. It is reportedly used for holding meetings, movie sittings, dress fittings and the like. Her mother, Shivangi Kapoor also uses this apartment for her music classes. The doe-eyed heroine’s father Shakti Kapoor also owns other properties throughout the country, including a plush home in Madh Island near Mumbai and a vacation home in Lonavala. Reports state that he also has a luxurious house in New Delhi’s posh Greater Kailash area.
Signing Off
Shraddha Kapoor’s home clearly showcases her love for Nature, with its open terrace, greenery, plants and carefully-chosen textures and décor themes. It is an oasis of peace and one that she shares with her loving family. This Juhu landmark also stands out for its irresistible views of the beach and the Arabian Sea, which is a highly coveted proposition in Mumbai.