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Understanding Difference Between Kutcha House and Pucca House

Blox Blogs
Sep 7, 2023
5 mins read
Blox Blogs
Sep 7, 2023
5 mins read

Over the years, you might have come across two particular words that define the types of houses commonly built in India. What are we talking about here? Kutcha house and a pucca house. From the terms, it is quite easy to figure out what these kinds of houses are. While ‘kutcha’ suggests a house built using raw materials that might not be very durable, whereas ‘pucca’ suggests a house which is far more robust and stable. If this is your line of thought, then you are very close to understanding both the terms. 

But if you're considering purchasing a house in India, understanding the difference between kutcha house and pucca house is crucial. Why? Because it allows you to make a decision and avoid future issues. Essentially these two types of houses differ in terms of their materials, durability, facilities and cost. Ultimately, both have their advantages and disadvantages depending on factors like location, climate, budget and personal preference.

Kutcha House and Pucca House: What Are They?

Let’s begin by defining houses and pucca houses.

Kutcha House:

A kutcha house is constructed using materials like mud, bamboo, grass, reed, straw, leaves and unburnt bricks. These types of houses are typically found in areas. Serve as temporary shelters for the impoverished or labourers within cities. They are not sturdy structures. Can be easily damaged by natural disasters such as floods, cyclones or earthquakes. Additionally, they lack amenities such as electricity, water supply and sanitation facilities. Kutcha houses are more affordable to build compared to pucca houses since they utilise resources. Moreover, a key perk is their carbon footprint as they can be recycled or repurposed.

Pucca House

In contrast, to a kutcha house a pucca house refers to a type of dwelling constructed using materials like cement, concrete, burnt bricks, timber or stone. Pucca houses are commonly found in rural areas where people have income and resources at their disposal. These houses are designed to be structures with foundations capable of withstanding natural disasters while providing enhanced security and comfort. Pucca houses come equipped with amenities such as electricity, water and sanitation facilities. Constructing pucca houses tends to be more expensive compared to kutcha houses as they involve the use of manufactured materials that may have an impact. Furthermore, pucca houses are not easily recyclable or reusable.

Why You Should Know the Difference Between Kutcha House and Pucca House

Understanding the distinction between kutcha house and pucca house is crucial for many reasons:

  • It empowers you to make a choice based on your requirements. By knowing the difference between these two types of dwellings, you can determine which one is better suited for your living conditions. For instance, if you reside in an area where natural resources are affordable and easily accessible, opting for a kutcha house might be preferable due to its ease of construction and maintenance. Conversely, if you live in an area constrained by space and prioritise security measures, opting for a sturdy and long lasting pucca house would be more suitable.
  • You can truly appreciate the diversity found in India. Understanding the difference between kutcha house and pucca house can also deepen your appreciation for India’s diverse cultural heritage. Different regions and communities have their styles and traditions when it comes to constructing homes, which reflect their history, geography and way of life. For instance, in Rajasthan, many people reside in huts constructed from mud and cow dung that provide cooling properties for the hot desert climate. Similarly, in Kerala, numerous individuals live in houses made from wood and coconut leaves that seamlessly blend with the surroundings.
  • Furthermore, having knowledge about kutcha houses versus pucca houses empowers you to make choices. Kutcha houses are more environmentally friendly compared to pucca houses as they utilise renewable materials with a carbon footprint that minimally impacts the environment. On the other hand, pucca houses are more energy efficient due to their construction using modern materials that offer better insulation and protection against natural disasters. By selecting the type of housing based on your circumstances, you can effectively reduce your environmental impact while conserving valuable resources.


To summarise, even though kutcha houses are gradually decreasing in number across India, they still persist in certain areas. Government initiatives, like PMAY, are enabling more families and individuals to transition from makeshift to houses as well. 

Ultimately, it's essential for home buyers to understand the difference between a kutcha house and a pucca house because it impacts the quality, cost and suitability of the property. A makeshift house might be suitable for those with budgets who don't mind a rustic lifestyle and don't anticipate long-term residence in one place. On the other hand, a solid house might be suitable for those with budgets desiring a modern and comfortable living environment with the intention of settling down permanently.

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