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Mar 28, 2023
Busted: Ten Vastu Myths You Probably Believed In

Vastu Shastra, also known as the science of architecture, is an ancient Indian system that deals with design principles, layout, ground preparation, measurements, spatial geometry and space arrangement. While Vastu Shastra is widely used to design homes and other buildings in India, it has also gained popularity worldwide. However, like any other ancient practice, Vastu Shastra is surrounded by many myths and misconceptions. 

Mar 28, 2023
6 Reasons You Should Invest in Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)

Owning a house or a residential property has been long considered a sign of financial success and affluence in India. So, it is not surprising that real estate forms an important and often sizable part of every financial portfolio. But over the past few years, there has been a significant shift in how banking, finance, and investments work. Most of our assets, such as shares and bonds, are now digital. We have even started investing in gold bonds and EFTs rather than buying physical gold. Real estate investment, too, has started taking its early steps towards going digital.

Real Estate
Mar 28, 2023
6 Strategies to Successfully Manage Your Real Estate Portfolio

Despite the fact that buying a residential property or real estate is high on the list of priorities for most people, very few Indians venture into becoming full-time real estate investors. This is because real estate property has traditionally been treated as a legacy, as family wealth to be passed down through the generations. But economically and socially, we have evolved, and so has our outlook on finances and investments. Nevertheless, the younger generations are excited about the prospect of building up a real estate portfolio, watching the assets appreciate in value, and creating multiple income streams through rental cash flow and capital gains. If you want to build a robust real estate portfolio, here are some strategies that can help.

Real Estate
Mar 28, 2023
Real Estate Market Predictions for 2023

Experts believe that 2023 is a mercurial year of economic unpredictability across the globe. If there is one bright spot amidst looming uncertainties, it is the real estate sector. In India, it is expected that both commercial real estate and the housing market will see a rise in demand this year. Here are some of the broad trends and predictions for the real estate sector for 2023 -

Real Estate
Mar 28, 2023
Technology-Based Real-Estate Investing And Its Benefits

People are not entirely reliant anymore upon traditional property buying or investing approaches. With technology taking over the industry, proptech or property technology is now taking over. Real estate firms in all domains are now investing in various technology solutions to help offer better-optimized services to their customers. 

Real Estate
Mar 27, 2023
5 Frauds You Should Be Wary of When Applying for a Home Loan

Buying a home is the culmination of our dreams and aspirations. Owning a residential property is a symbol of achieving goals that we have set for ourselves. More importantly, a house is a haven where we make beautiful memories with friends and loved ones, a place we can transform into a home. Despite the central significance that buying a property has in our lives, it remains undeniable that real estate investment is one of our most significant financial decisions. Given the rising property values, most of us need funding in the form of home loans to be able to finance a real estate purchase. Over the past few years, financial fraud and home loan scams have been on the rise. Falling into the trap of these scams can rob us of our wealth and the dream of owning a residential property. Let us take a look at some of the common home loan frauds –

Finance & Legal
Mar 27, 2023
12 Things You Shouldn't Do in Your Home According to Vastu

Your home is more than mere real estate – it is where you live, your sanctuary, your place of peace and happiness. You spend considerable time in this home, which should reflect the positive and harmonious energy you want in your life. Vastu Shastra, an ancient Indian science of architecture and design, offers valuable insights and guidelines for creating a living space that exudes positivity and maintains balance.

Mar 27, 2023
3 Factors Contributing to Virar East's Growing Real Estate

Virar is now known to be an evolving realty hotspot from a sought-after market for second homes. Over the past few years, Virar has stood out in the MMR region as a location with substantial growth and continuous demand for housing. While most of the population here is Marathi-speaking, Virar East has acquired a cosmopolitan character due to a slow and steady influx of people from the mainland. As a result, the cost of real estate in Virar East has also increased. 

Real Estate
Mar 27, 2023
5 Things You Can Do to Tackle EMIs for Home Loans in Case of Job Loss

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been much flux in the global economy. The Indian markets are not untouched by this phenomenon. Several corporations have announced hiring freezes, salary freezes, and even layoffs.

Finance & Legal