"Since its inception in 1993 alongside Shree Naman Securities, the prestigious Shree Naman Group has thrived in the vibrant city of Mumbai, India. What began as a modest venture has blossomed into a remarkable journey, marked by achievements like the ACCE Simplex Award in 2004 for the groundbreaking design of its Chowpathy-based Saarthi project. Today, the Naman Group has expanded its horizons, encompassing a diverse range of interests including Real Estate, Financial Services, Hospitality, Energy, and Naman Ready Mix Concrete RMC. Guided by the visionary leader, Jayesh Shah, the group has consistently exemplified inventiveness and foresight, propelling it to a revered status as a coveted brand in multiple industries. Fueled by an unwavering dedication to innovation and excellence, the Naman Group stands as a premium and sought-after entity, leaving an indelible mark across various verticals.