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Starting Anew: Vastu Considerations for Setting Up Your New Home for Success

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Nov 22, 2023

Embarking on the journey of setting up a new home is an exciting and transformative experience. It's not just about choosing the right furniture or decor; it's also about creating a harmonious living space that fosters positive energy and success. 

Picture this - your home as not just walls and windows but as a living, breathing entity, a partner in your journey towards success. Let us explore the ancient Indian science of Vastu Shastra and delve into detailed considerations for each aspect of your new home, ensuring it becomes a haven of prosperity and well-being.

So, let's not just decorate; let's infuse Vastu for your new home and permeate the essence of success and well-being.

Understanding Vastu Shastra:

Vastu Shastra, the "science of architecture" in Sanskrit, is an ancient Indian system that provides comprehensive guidelines for designing and arranging living spaces to promote balance and harmony. Rooted in the belief that the energy in our surroundings influences our well-being, Vastu aims to create an environment that aligns with cosmic energies.

Setting the Foundation:

The first step in applying Vastu for your new home is considering the plot and the building's orientation. Ideally, the main entrance should face north or east, as these directions are associated with positive energy flow. Avoid plots with irregular shapes or extensions, as they can disrupt the natural energy balance.

The Main Entrance:

The entrance is considered the mouth of the house, through which energy enters. Ensure that the entrance is well-lit, clutter-free, and inviting. A beautiful doormat and well-maintained plants can enhance positive energy. Avoid placing mirrors directly opposite the entrance, as they are believed to bounce back energy.

Additionally, pay attention to the door's material and colour. Opt for a solid and sturdy door in vibrant yet calming colours like green or blue. According to Vastu principles, a well-maintained entrance symbolises the residents' readiness to invite positive energy into their lives.

The Kitchen:

In Vastu, the kitchen represents the fire element, and its location is crucial for the overall harmony of the home. Place the kitchen towards the southeast corner to harness the positive energy associated with this direction. Keep the kitchen clean, well-organized, and free of clutter. Installing the stove in the southeast direction enhances the fire element, symbolising prosperity and success.

Moreover, consider the placement of kitchen utensils and appliances. Organise them in a way that promotes efficiency and minimises clutter. This not only aligns with Vastu principles but also enhances the functionality of the space.

The Bedroom:

The bedroom is a sanctuary for rest and rejuvenation, and Vastu provides detailed guidelines to create an environment conducive to these aspects. Place the bed in the southwest corner of the room to promote a sense of security and stability. Avoid placing the bed under a beam or in line with the door, as it is believed to cause health issues and restlessness.

Consider the choice of bedding and decor. Soft, earthy tones are recommended for bedding, contributing to a serene atmosphere. Introduce subtle lighting and comfortable furnishings to enhance the bedroom's calming effect. By paying attention to these details, you not only adhere to Vastu principles but also create a space that promotes restful sleep and overall well-being.

Colours and Decor:

According to Vastu, colours play a significant role in influencing our emotions and well-being. Opt for soothing and balanced colours like light greens, blues, and earthy tones for the walls. Avoid using dark and aggressive colours in bedrooms and living areas. Incorporate natural elements like plants, crystals, and artwork that evoke positive energy.

Consider the placement of furniture and decor items. Ensure that furniture is arranged in a way that allows for free movement and avoids blocking energy flow. Additionally, choose decor items that hold personal significance, as they contribute to a positive and welcoming atmosphere in your new home.

The Study or Home Office:

For those working or studying from home, creating a conducive environment is essential. Place the study or home office in the northwest corner of the house, associated with the air element, promoting clarity of thought and communication. Ensure the space is well-lit, clutter-free, and organized to enhance focus and productivity.

Invest in ergonomic furniture and create a dedicated workspace that separates professional and personal life. Adequate lighting, comfortable seating, and a well-organized desk contribute not only to Vastu compliance but also to a conducive and efficient work environment.

Bathrooms and Toilets:

Maintaining proper hygiene in bathrooms and toilets is not only a matter of cleanliness but also a Vastu consideration. Ensure that bathrooms are located in the northwest or southeast corners and that the toilet seat faces north or south. Keep the bathroom door closed when not in use to prevent negative energy from spreading.

Pay attention to plumbing and fix any leaks promptly, as they are believed to drain positive energy. Incorporate proper ventilation to ensure fresh air circulates within the space, promoting a clean and positive environment.

Mirrors and Reflections:

Mirrors are powerful tools in Vastu as they can amplify or redirect energy. Place mirrors in strategic locations to reflect positive energy into the home. Avoid placing mirrors directly opposite the bed, as it is believed to disturb sleep and create restlessness.

Consider the size and placement of mirrors in different areas of the house. Mirrors in the dining area, for example, are believed to enhance prosperity by doubling the abundance. By being mindful of mirror placement, you can harness their positive effects and contribute to the overall Vastu compliance of your home.

Cleansing and Purification:

Before moving into your new home, consider performing a Vastu cleansing ceremony. This involves purifying the space by sprinkling holy water, lighting incense, and chanting Vedic mantras. This ritual is believed to remove any negative energy and create a fresh, positive start for the occupants.

Engage in a thorough cleaning process, ensuring that every nook and corner is addressed. This not only aligns with Vastu principles but also contributes to a physically and energetically clean space. Consider seeking the assistance of a Vastu expert for a more intricate and personalised cleansing ceremony.

Final Words 

Setting up Vastu for your new home with its holistic principles can contribute to a harmonious and prosperous living experience. While the scientific basis of Vastu may be debated, there's no denying the psychological impact of a well-designed and balanced living space. By incorporating these ancient principles, you not only create a visually appealing home but also one that resonates with positive energy and success. So, as you embark on this new chapter, consider the age-old wisdom of Vastu Shastra to set the stage for a fulfilling and prosperous life in your new abode.
